Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Introduction Presentations

As our class recently started, we spent our first assignment doing something that is par for the course for ant class:  We introduced ourselves.  While usually this involves standing at our desks and telling the class some boring canned info, like where we're from, how old we are, (maybe our name, I don't know, I rarely pay attention to these things when they line us up like that.), Dr. Z had us pair off and create a multimedia presentation that would introduce us in the most interesting way possible. 

Many of us answered the call.  A lot of people used powerpoint, which is okay, but I saw a lot of cooler stuff on Prezi, which I'm still trying to figure out how to use effectively myself.  I pirated a lot of techniques from those. Our presentation though (and by "our", I mean the bubbly and talented Hailey Coggins' and mine), was a youtube video that kind of spoofed what we thought of the basic ideas for the usual presentations: Powerpoint, prezi, skits, etc.

It was a blast to make, and I think it got our point across:  That we're both kind of goofy people who don't mind being the butt of a good joke.  Also that we are immensely attractive and charming, but that was unintentional.  I think the video gave us more control over the tone and captured our personalities better than just the information we gave.

Another group also used a video and I think they achieved the same effect:  It gave us a nice little view into their personality, and I remember their presentation much more clearly than many of the others.  Once I get their permission, I'll post it here and say a little more about what I liked about it.  

Thursday, January 13, 2011


This semester, in classroom computer apps, I have a lot I want to learn about.  Technology literacy isn't exactly popular in the English department, but I know its going to be extremely important when I'm teaching, or at least it will be if I want anyone to pay attention.  So I have a few expectations of what I want to learn:

- new programs that will make communication and information gathering easy for students

- services which allow me to dissolve the distinction between student and teacher

- New ways to teach using technology to keep students engaged